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Xóa tài khoản
Biến tấu không gian sống với hình Oval màu Hồng Tim Gỗ
Những họa tiết oval sẽ làm bức tường nội thất của bạn trở nên mới lạ, vui nhộn và nhiều năng lượng hơn.
The oval motifs will make your interior walls so fresh, fun and more energetic.
In the video below, Dulux will guide you very simple way so that you can draw and decorate your home a very oval art.
You can use this to create many oval shapes in different sizes, choose the largest oval and paint Dulux color of 2018 - Wood Heart to create the highlight. Then, choose more colors like pastel gold, green for smaller ovals to make the house vivid and colorful, to expand the living space, create a sense of airy and bring the Transform your new home.
Keep up the good work! Dulux believe that tips will bring you a wonderful living space that ❤️
# DuluxVietnam # CF18 # Heartwood